Trust and you will be trusted says the liar to the fool
Life is either a challenge or a chore
Peace be with the man behind the curtain of shame that the people put upon him
No good deed goes unpunished
To successfully enjoy life, Keep embracing Death
Death in it's real form is a great and powerful release from the torment of life
Don't be afraid of anyone but yourself
When you kill a man you take away all he was and all he was going to be
No hope=No Fear
it seems the only good thing about life is death
Beliefs are dangerous.Beliefs allow the mind to stop functioning. a non-functioning mind is clinically dead.Believe in nothing-Tool
Happiness is only a state of mind
A word to the wise ain't nessacary. it's the dumb ones that need the advice-Bill Cosby
To think of the person you would like to be is a waste of the person you are
Murphy's Law:If you fool around with a thing for very long, you will screw it up.
It is better to be silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and prove it to be true
Chewing gum prove that you can have motion without progress
Learn the rules then break some-H. Jackson Brown.Jr
You can tell a child is growing up when he stops asking where he came from and starts refusing to tell you where he's going.

-Things to think about-
1.Tomorrow never really comes
2.If a tree falls in the forest but there is no one to hear it does it make a noise
3.Which came first the chicken or the egg?
4.An optimist sees a glass that is half full
the pessimist sees one that is half empty
the existentialist asks if the glass is really there
5.Very few people can afford to be poor

6.Though you sit in your room with bright lights to comfort and protect you darkness is only a light switch away
7.If you aren't afraid to die, you never will
We should ban capital punishment and bring back torture
Hell is the possibility of sanity Anarchism:
The radical notion
that I am the sole authority
when it comes to deciding what's best for me!-I live by this quote.I don't remember where I got it but it was off an Anarchism Quotes Page..look it up
It's all right letting yourself go, as long as you can get yourself back-Mick Jagger
Base not your joy upon the deeds of tohers, for what is given can be taken away
The best way to undo the Gordian knot is to slash it to pieces
No man can lose what he never had-I.Walton

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